
Reawaken the client to his living beauty

I love this quote from David Lauterstein from Massage Magazine:

“What is astonishing is how often clients come to us having completely forgotten or never having known what miracles they are anatomically, physiologically, and psychologically. They have often lost the sense it is an incredible gift to be alive.

When giving a massage, the therapist has the responsibility to help reawaken the client to his living beauty; to help him feel the presence of goodness; and to help him recognize important inner truths. … All we need to do is work with respect and wonder, and have the knowledge of anatomy to reawaken the person to the marvel she is. In touch, wonder is coupled with joy.”

David Lauterstein

Photo by Sandor Ajzenstat
Photo by Sandor Ajzenstat

Thai Massage Workshop at Kala Yoga in Orangeville

Thank you to Laurin Wolf and Jason Maraschiello for inviting me to teach an introductory workshop at their beautiful new yoga studio in Orangeville! If you live in the Orangeville area, check Kala Yoga out for yoga, soundwork and wonderful community events.

Hey Torontonians! I have taught an Intro to Thai Massage Workshop here in Toronto and am thinking of doing another in the fall. Please comment below if you might be interested and I’ll keep you informed.

Teaching Thai massage with co-owner Laurin Wolf as receiver.
Teaching a quad and foot stretch.

Teaching Dave how to do a great hamstring stretch!
Laurin on “the rack” — my toes press her pelvis down to give a delicious stretch to her lower back.

The close relationship of music to massage

Hands as instruments

I read an article called The Art of Massage by David Lauterstein in Massage Magazine which resonated deeply for me. I want to share a few quotes that I found particularly inspiring and in line with my thinking as a massage practitioner. Here is the first one:

“Symphony must be like the world—it must contain everything,” said composer and conductor Gustave Mahler. If a symphony must contain everything, how much more true is that for the compositions of our massage session? Our medium, rather than just being notes, is the whole psychophysical human being.

Music uses volume, quality of tone, accuracy of tuning and technique, notes’ duration, rhythm and instrumentation.

Symphonic hands

Just as music depends on the acoustical universe, we depend upon the wondrous structures and functions of anatomy and physiology.

The science-based art of massage uses pressure, quality of touch, accuracy of knowledge and technique, strokes’ duration, rhythm, choice of instrument—thumb, palm, fingers, handheld tool— and the harmonious use of two hands, as in a Johann Sebastian Bach two-part invention for piano.

Thai Foot Massage Special Continues

Thai massage at the Chiang Mai Night Market.
Thai foot massage at the Chiang Mai Night Market.

I’m continuing to offer a special deal for foot massage until I feel that I’ve truly integrated all the technique I learned in Thailand into my sessions. Drop me a line if you’d like to take advantage of the special rate of $30* for an hour (regular $50). Trust me, if you like foot massage, you will be in heaven! You choose between zonking out on my massage table or settling into a comfy chair with a cup of tea.

In Thailand, people meet for foot massage the way Canadians meet for coffee. Imagine a culture that focusses that much on health and well-being in this way!

Not applicable to home visits.

Thank you, clients!

My massage practice has grown so well by referral with home visits and seeing people at my home that I am letting go my treatment room at Spiritwind in Kensington a the end of June 2016. I will miss the fabulous community there and the weekly reason to hang out in the Market on Tuesdays. But I’m excited to keep my practice in the warm and cozier environment of my animal-free  home. 

As always, I am also very happy to bring my Thai mat or massage table to your home. There’s nothing better than not to have to travel after the delightful relaxation of a massage!

Mondays 2pm – 9pm
Tuesdays 2pm – 9pm
Wednesdays 2pm – 7pm 

Off to Thailand!

I am heading to Chiang Mai, Thailand on January 13th to further my studies in Thai massage at the famous Old Medicine Hospital. I will be learning advanced therapeutic techniques for treating pain using specific acupressure points and stretching. I will also be studying traditional Thai foot massage. All of this will give me a delicious new set of tools to make your body sing! I love this work. It has been pleasing a growing clientele (see testimonials). After 5 years as a Thai massage practitioner, I am hungry to increase my knowledge to help my clients even more with new advanced technique.

I return to Toronto at the end of February. I will be sending a reminder of my imminent return a couple weeks in advance, although you can send queries by email any time for dates beginning early March. I expect to be online quite regularly.

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